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6G, wireless telecommunication technology, News
cognitive radio systems, communication networks, energy harvesting, wireless networks, News
communications, underwater sensor platform, Underwater Video, News
Computer Vision, Diffusion Models, Large Language Models, Retrieval-augmented generation
wireless sensor networks
5G and beyond, UAV-Assisted Cellular and Sensor Networks, Underwater Optical Wireless Communications and Networking
Localization, machine learning
communication systems, underwater wireless optical networks, wireless sensor networks
communication, Network Design, Signal processing
Cognitive radios, energy efficiency, LTE
IoT, News
5G networks, News
SDN Networks, News
IoT, News
wireless sensors networks, News
Heterogeneous cloud radio access networks, News
cloud radio access networks, News
5G networks, News
5G, Cognitive radio network, News
5G, News
Cross-layer design, News
SDN Networks, News
software defined network, News
Underwater wireless optical communication, News
Flight Elephant-flows, News
optical burst switched networks, News
wireless mesh networks
wireless sensor networks
Green communications, optical networks
Computer Vision, Deep generative models, machine learning
Ahmed Abdali
artificial intelligence, deep learning, optimization, TinyML
Biomedical Signal Processing, Digital signal processing, healthcare, IoT, machine learning
communication networks, Signal processing
Ali Hassan
bioscience, Cellular Networks, living systems, Mathematical modeling, Tissue Engineering
Spotlight, News
artificial intelligence, big data, cloud services
wireless sensor networks
networking, Optical Packet Switching
Action understanding, AI4Science, Continual Learning, Multimodal learning, Visual Language Models
communications, Computer science, News
Electron Transport, microelectronics
AI, Computer Vision, Deep learning, Reinforcement Learning
biotechnology, healthcare
communication networks, communications
optical frequency combs, quantum-dot lasers
Delay Tolerant Networks
wireless mesh networks
underwater video transmission, Underwater wireless optical communication, News
computational science, Computer science, engineering, wireless, News
superposition coded multicasting, wireless sensor networks
cognitive wireless radio systems
artificial intelligence, communications, Computer science, electrical engineering, News
communication networks, communications, Low complexity sphere decoding, MIMO and Passive radar, MIMO-radar waveform design, Spotlight, News
computer networking and systems, IoT, participatory sensing
Spotlight, News
Eros Kuikel
Data Analyst, Software Developer
big data management, cloud computing, wireless mesh networks
Action Recognition, Self-supervised learning, Video Understanding
Georgios Grekas
biomechanics, numerical analysis, scientific computing, solid mechanics
AI4Science, Computer Vision, machine learning
Digital Communication, network security
6g wireless systems, cloud- and fog-radio access networks, Cooperative networks, cross-layer optimization, machine learning, Optical communications
Hikmatullo Ismatov