Accepted paper at International Journal of light and Electron Optics 2016
A. Elrasad, S. Rabia, M. Mahmoud, M. Aly, and B. Shihada, "Dropping Probability Reduction in OBS Networks: A Simple Approach", International Journal of light and Electron Optics, Vol. 127, No. 20, pp. 9947-9960, 2016. I.F. (0.742).
A. Elrasad, S. Rabia, M. Mahmoud, M. Aly, and B. Shihada, "Dropping Probability Reduction in OBS Networks: A Simple Approach", International Journal of light and Electron Optics, Vol. 127, No. 20, pp. 9947-9960, 2016. I.F. (0.742).