Cognitive Wireless Radio Systems
The objective of this project is to develop a framework for facilitating green spectrum for cognitive radio protocols in wireless networks.
The objective of this project is to develop a framework for facilitating green spectrum for cognitive radio protocols in wireless networks. The project aims at identifying the energy hungry components, spectrum activity, user mobility, user access patterns, spectrum sensing intervals, and spectrum interference levels. Also, proposing energy efficient secondary user scheduling in cognition, where user access decision is done based on interference measurements, user locations, and user eligibility. Finally, develop CogWnet, which is a software framework to manage cognitive radio functionality and provide optimal parameters configuration for wireless channel. The Framework is based on cross-layer design to collect sensory information from all layers in TCP/IP stack along with application QoS requirements. CogWnet will act as an implementation framework for our green cognition techniques
KAUST Baseline Funding
Green Wireless Cognition: Future Ecient Spectrum Sharing, 2nd Annual KICP Research Symposium, KAUST, KSA, April 2012. [PPT]
Software Packages
CogEE v1.0, 2016. Matlab code to evaluate the energy efficiency in cognitive systems
CogOut v1.0, 2015. Matlab code to compute the outage in cognitive systems
CogWNet v1.0, 2011. USRP2 implementation of an awareness cognitive network resource allocation systems (CogWNet) for facilitating cognition and optimize spectrum utilization
CogEE.zip Downloaded 220 times
CogOut.zip Downloaded 143 times
CogWNet.zip Downloaded 156 times
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