Redesigning Internet Protocols for Emerging Internet of Things Applications
This project aims at developing scientific and technological advances required for the deployment of real-time applications as part of the IoT paradigm.
This project aims at developing scientific and technological advances required for the deployment of real-time applications as part of the IoT paradigm. To provide support for real-time IoT traffic, we need to redesign various elements of today's Internet. This include how we reduce the impact of packet drops, how we route and schedule packets, and how we provide end-to-end support for such applications. The proposed research will focus on each of the above three issues related to IoT traffic control and communication, using real-time applications as the target domain.
Prof. Fahad Dogar, Computer Science, Tufts University, USA
Mobile Crowd-Sensing for E-Health Monitoring and Hot-Spot Detection, Bell Canada, Canada, KSA, April 2014. [PPT]
IoT: a Journey from Wireless Sensor Devices to Data Centers", Keynote Speech, IEEE CommNet, Moroco, April 2019.
Software Packages
- CrowdWatch v1.0, 2014. Android Application for extracting smart phone sensor data for crowd monitoring.
- SADIQ v1.0, 2017. SDN-based system for providing IoT applications with location aware and context-driven QoS. Also available at github.
CrowdWatch.zip Downloaded 165 times
SADIQ.zip Downloaded 90 times
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