Reinventing Wireless LAN
The expansion of wireless usage in different applications has resulted in a tremendous increase in energy consumption and this left a significant environmental effect.
The expansion of wireless usage in different applications has resulted in a tremendous increase in energy consumption and this left a significant environmental effect. According to latest statistics reported, energy costs to operate wireless devices accounts for half of the operating expenses for any wireless deployment. Moreover, it has been pointed out that currently 3% of the world-wide energy is consumed by the Information & Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure that causes about 2% of the world-wide CO2 emissions, which is comparable to the world-wide CO2 emissions by airplanes or one quarter of the world-wide CO2 emissions by cars. To realize the vision of energy efficient ubiquitous high-speed wireless connectivity, there is a need to reinvent wireless LAN to provide reliable, high capacity ubiquitous coverage with less energy. In this project, we aim to build on recent advances in RF noise and interference cancellation to propose a functional, full-duplex WLAN architecture.
- PI "Reinventing Wireless LANs". Funded by KACST GDRG with $90K.
- Co-PI, "Full-Duplex Wireless Communications: Models, Analysis, and Simulators". Funded by TA&M University IAMCS Research with $40K.
Software Packages
- BmWqm v1.0, 2016. NS-3 Package to simulate WQM buffer management scheme over wireless full-duplex mesh networks.
- LearnQueue v1.0, 2017. The implementation of WQM, PIE and LearnQueue schemes on WARPv3 board using 802.11 Reference Design v1.6.0.
BmWqm.zip Downloaded 59 times
LearnQueue.rar Downloaded 92 times
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